100 Facts Seashore Pocket Edition


Explore stretches of seashore around the world in this handy pocket-sized book that is bursting with giant facts. Discover amazing facts about how the wind and waves affect the shores, the animals and plants that live there and the effect that humans are having on seashores. Exactly 100 numbered facts will challenge children alongside fascinating photos and projects which make this the perfect introduction to seashores.

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Explore stretches of seashore around the world in this handy pocket-sized book that is bursting with giant facts. Discover amazing facts about how the wind and waves affect the shores, the animals and plants that live there and the effect that humans are having on seashores. Exactly 100 numbered facts will challenge children alongside fascinating photos and projects which make this the perfect introduction to seashores.

Explore stretches of seashore around the world in this handy pocket-sized book that is bursting with giant facts. Discover amazing facts about how the wind and waves affect the shores, the animals and plants that live there and the effect that humans are having on seashores. Exactly 100 numbered facts will challenge children alongside fascinating photos and projects which make this the perfect introduction to seashores.

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